Preparatorias de la Universidad de Monterrey

Supportive Action

Las Acciones Solidarias son una oportunidad para tener contacto con la realidad que te rodea complementando tu formación académica, humana, espiritual y social.

Vive una experiencia única y comparte tus talentos, habilidades y conocimientos en apoyo a la comunidad en situaciones de emergencia humanitaria, coordinando ayuda en casos específicos y promoviendo experiencias de servicio a nivel local, nacional e internacional.



Classroom Project

During your time at Prepa UDEM, you will participate in different projects such as the Fair of Supportive Actions, where you will have the opportunity to intervene in communities and in the lives of other people to bring about significant changes.


The supportive action program will guide you step by step to develop your leadership in service, joining forces with your peers to make this world a better place to live.

Social Service Internship

The social service internship is an opportunity for you to be in touch with the reality surrounding you and supplement your academic, human, spiritual, and social education.

Have a unique experience and share your talents, skills and knowledge for the good of society.

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