Scholarship calculator
Do you want to know what scholarships you can apply for? Answer a few brief questions and find out!
How do I apply for a scholarship?
Check out the requirements to apply for one of our scholarships.
Becas Desempeño
Si tu promedio global de egreso de secundaria es excelente, la UDEM puede invitarte a participar en la Convocatoria General de Becas de Desempeño, en la cual puedes ser acreedor o acreedora a apoyos desde un 20% hasta un 90% para que puedas cursar tus estudios de bachillerato.
Se solicita presentar PAA (solo una oportunidad) y examen de ubicación de inglés a más tardar el viernes 17 de enero para participar.
*Los resultados de esta convocatoria serán notificados vía correo electrónico durante la última semana del mes de enero.
UDEM Scholarship
If you have an outstanding academic record and verifiable high financial needs, you can apply for an UDEM Scholarship.
This scholarship is granted to families who have three or more children enrolled at UDEM in the same term, at the preparatory school and undergraduate degree levels. This scholarship is only awarded to the student with the best academic record and it is not transferable.
- With three enrolled children, a 20% scholarship is awarded
- With four enrolled children, a 30% scholarship is awarded
For activation of, and information and restrictions on this scholarship, contact your Prepa UDEM advisor.
Otras ayudas financieras
Conoce los apoyos a los que puedes aplicar para realizar tus estudios de preparatoria.